Thursday, May 4, 2017

Superstitions blog

 Title: Superstitions of a upside down penny
Date: 5/4/17
 Title: Superstitions of a ladder
Date 5/4/17
Title: Superstition of ringing ear
Date: 5/4/17

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Custom cars

Title: Custom Lambo
Date: 5/2/17

 Title: Custom Pink striped Mustang
Date: 5/2/17
Title: Custom BMW
Date: 5/2/17

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Decorations blog

 Title: Blue decorated tree
Date: 4/25/17
 Title: Decorated sauce dish
Date: 4/25/17
Title: Home decoration
Date: 4/25/17

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Hands blog

Title Dogs paw
Date: 4/11/17
 Title: My hand
Date: 4/11/17
Title Moms hand
Date: 4/11/17

Statues and monuments blog

 Title: New Mexico National guard monument
Date: 4/11/17
 Title: Theresa Park monument
Title Belen monument
Date: 4/11/17

Monday, March 27, 2017

Valves blog

 Title:Gas valve
Date: 3/27/17
 Title: Sink valve
Date: 3/27/17
Title: Gas valve line
Date: 3/27/17

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Macro photography blog

Title:  Macro pin 
Date: 3/16/17
 Title: Macro Dime
Date: 3/16/17
 Title: Macro rock
Date: 3/16/17
 Title: Macro glass
Date: 3/16/17
Title: Macro Wood chip
Date: 3/16/17

Opposite blog

Title: Short and tall
Date: 3/16/17
 Title: Small and Big
Date: 3/16/17
Title: Double and Single pack
Date: 3/16/17

Umbrella blog

 Title: The stored umbrella
Date: 3/16/17
 Title: Backyard umbrella 
Title: The Starbucks umbrella
Date: 3/16/17

Thursday, March 2, 2017

portraiture blog questions about Jimmy Nelson, Manny Librodo Jr. and David Griffin

Jimmy Nelson

1. Who does Jimmy Nelson decide that his portraits are ultimately about?

Jimmy Nelson decides that his portraits are ultimately about aesthetic and beauty.

2. Which photograph that he showed sticks in your mind. Describe it in 3 sentences.
Use descriptive words so I know which photograph you mean.

The picture of the Hula Wigmen. They had yellow face paint and hat. The hats are made out of their that they shaved off their heads everyday.

3. What techniques does Jimmy Nelson use to take his photographs?

the techniques that Jimmy Nelson uses is the beauty of indigenous people.

4. Do you think that a person has to travel the world to take quality portraits? Why or why not?
What lesson can you apply to taking portraits here in your own "close to home" world?

I think you do not need to travel the world to get quality portraits because not everyone who are photographers have the money to get pictures from around the world. I also think that you do not need to travel the world to get quality pictures because their are a lot of places where you are and  can get good quality pictures wherever they are. The lessons I can apply taking portraits close to home is that their re different types of portrait lightings and not all portraits are the same. I also can apply that portraits are more than just people and how their are also portraits of other things around you. 

Manny Librodo Jr.

1. What was Manny Librodo's first camera?

Point and shoot Nikon coolpix 4500.

2. What advice does he give to photographers? 

He says "to shoot from the heart", "be spontaneous and "try to be less concerned with the technicalities and be more concerned with capturing the right moments".

3. Look closely at the portrait "Rosalinda" by Manny Librodo J.r. What do you notice about the composition? Describe it in at least 5 well formed sentences.

Manny Librodo picture is in my opponent placement of the picture. You can see Rosalinda face features very clearly, including her eyes. The fact that you can see the reflection in her eyes it is interesting to me.

4. What do you notice about the technique? Describe what you think he did.

The techniques were very nice she took a handful of different techniques and then his own.

David Griffin

1. What is a flashbulb memory? What could be the use of a flashbulb memory in a photograph?

A flashbulb memory is a detailed and vivid  memory that is stored on the occasion and retained for a lifetime.  The use of flashbulb memory in photography is that it is a photobiographical memory. 

2. David Griffin argues that the elephant story created what kinds of feelings in the reader through the photographs? 

The kinds of feelings the elephant story created is sad because the elephant Annie and her herd were killed  by poachers  for their value of their ivory tusks.

3. In order to tackle the idea of slums, the editor had to decide whether to photograph all the slums of the world or to just photograph one. Which did they choose and why? 

They chose one slum so they could tap into the soul of it.

4. For the overfishing story, how does innovative point of view shots, help the photographer communicate his concern about overfishing?

The photos show we are fishing down the food chain.

5. For the topic of soldiers injured in the battlefield, how would of the story had been different if the phootgrapher would have taken several isolated photographs instead of following one soldier's story from battlefields to recovery?

The story would have been less personal.

6. David Griffin thinks that phootgraphy can make a posiitve impact on the world and can connect us. Is there an issue that is important to you in this world? How could you imagine a photograph or series of photographs instead of following one soldiers story from battlefield to recovery?

An issue to me in the world is poverty. A photograph series of hungry children in urban cities could help communicate how big the issue is even in America.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tools blog

 Title: Wood Saw cutter
Date: 2/28/17
Title: Gardening tools 
Date: 2/28/17
Title: Wrench tools
Date: 2/28/17

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Rustic blog

 Title:Green Colorado rustic sign
Date: 2/21/17
 Title: Rustic library book shelf
Date: 2/21/17
Title:Rustic Shrine Of Broken Dreams 
Date: 2/21/17

Friday, February 17, 2017

Bones blog

 Title: Dog bone
Date: 2/17/17
Title: Boned chickens 
Date: 2/17/17
Title: Pork bones
Date: 2/17/17

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Connect blog

 Title: Gold connect
Date: 2/9/17
Title: Wired wall connection
Date: 2/9/17

Date: 2/9/17

Monday, January 30, 2017

Delicate blog pictures

Title: Red delicate rose
Date: 1/30/17
 Title: Delicate Gold plated glasses
Date: 1/30/17
Title: Delicate Bronco
Date: 1/30/17

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Bottles blog

Title: Galaxy bottle
Date: 1/24/17 
Title: Coke bottle
Date: 1/24/17 
 Title: Brisk tea bottle
Date: 1/24/17

Thursday, January 19, 2017

motion blog

Title: moving mountain in motion
Date: 1/19/17

Title: Pup motion
Date: 1/19/17

Title: motion of RV from breaking bad
Date: 11/19/17